
Stovetop Hot Dogs

Stovetop hotdogs in buns with ketchup and mustard.

Try this stovetop method for cooking hot dogs when you’re not in the mood for grilling. Expect a juicy center and a nice crisp on the outside.


  • Three hotdogs
  • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
  • 3 tablespoons water
  • 3 hotdog buns


  1. Add some water to a skillet at medium heat, just enough to cover the base. Once the water starts to boil off, gently place the hotdogs in the skillet and leave them to cook until the water disappears. Roll them around so all sides brown and cook evenly.
  2. Add the butter and let it melt, then cook the hotdogs in it till it browns even more. Transfer the hotdogs to a plate and toast the bun in the remaining juice. Serve the hotdogs in the buns with your favorite toppings.

For more directions, check out this stovetop hotdog video recipe.


For an extra treat, spread softened butter on the inside of your buns and place them face-down in the same pan to toast.
