
Boiled Lobster (2 Servings)

How Long does Lobster take to Cook


  • Two live lobsters, claw bands retained
  • Butter


  1. Keep the live lobsters in a freezer for 15 minutes, before cooking, meanwhile, bring a 16-quart pot and fill it three-quarters with water. Add three tablespoons of salt, stir, and let it boil at high heat.
  2. Bring the lobsters out of the freezer and dunk them head-first into the boiling water. Then, let the pot boil for 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the lobsters’ size. You’ll notice a vivid red color when the lobsters are done, but timing is also important.
  3. Take the lobsters out of the pot and drain them in a colander, leaving them to cool for a few minutes. Then, serve with a side dip of the butter, and a nutcracker.

More lobster cooking tips can be found here.