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How to Cook Bagged Collard Greens

Southern-Style Collard Greens (4 Servings)


  • One bag of collard greens, shredded, two pounds
  • One smoked turkey neck
  • 1½ cups vegetable broth
  • ½ cup chopped onions
  • One tablespoon of olive oil
  • Two teaspoons of Haitian Epis
  • Pepper
  • Salt


  1. Set the crockpot to SAUTE, and prep the timer to five minutes. Saute the onions in the crockpot for three minutes.
  2. Divide the greens and add one part to the crockpot. Then, add the turkey neck and the remaining half.
  3. Pour the broth and cook on HIGH for 45 minutes at MANUAL.
  4. Remove the turkey neck and separate the meat from the bone. Return the meat to the crockpot and adjust the seasoning if desired. Then, serve as preferred.

This video recipe is also helpful for cooking bagged collard greens.

  • Author: Bobby