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How To Cook A Hot Pocket In The Microwave(2)

Recipe for Hot Pockets in the Microwave (4 servings)


  • One packet of hot pockets
  • Store-bought sauce


  • Microwave
  • Microwavable safe plate
  • Oven mitt

Ingredients for homemade sauce

  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp black pepper or any kind
  • 23 spoons of ketchup
  • ¼ sliced onions (optional)
  • ½ tsp thyme
  • Other spices of your choice


  1. Pour all your ingredients for your sauce into a bowl and mix well.
  2. Cook your sauce for 5 minutes and set it down.
  3. Please take out your microwavable safe plate and place the unwrapped hot pocket or hot pockets. Remember not to overcrowd your plates with hot pockets.
  4. If your hot pockets are coming out from your freezer instead of the package, defrost for 3 minutes in the oven before you begin. If you don’t own an oven, warm them up with low heat in a pan.
  5. Take your hot pockets, and insert them into the popped open crisper cardboard box.
  6. Place them back on the plate and into the Microwave.
  7. Cook for 2 minutes.
  8. When the Microwave is done cooking, you need to wear your oven mitt and extract the plate from the Microwave. Be very careful with this process, as your plate can be very hot.
  9. Carefully remove the hot pocket from the cardboard crisper and feel the surface gently to check if it’s properly cooked. Follow our tip above and cook for another minute if it isn’t.
  10. Once you’ve confirmed your hot pocket is ready, you can repeat these steps on all of them, depending on how many you’re cooking.
  11. Allow resting for 5 or 10 minutes before eating with sauce.

Note that the rest time for your hot pocket varies depending on the number of hot pockets you’re cooking. Also, keep in mind that the sauce is optional, and you don’t have to make it if you don’t want to. These steps for cooking hot pockets in the Microwave are relatively easy to follow, and you’ll find them handy whenever you want a quick bite to eat.

If you want more tips on cooking a hot pocket using your Microwave, feel free to check out this video.

  • Author: Bobby