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Why Do I Taste Blood When I Run?

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Updated on November 11th, 2022

A Miami doctor has provided a possible answer to the question, “Why do I taste blood when I run?” The video has garnered over 3.5 million views, and it’s no wonder: it has been the bane of thousands of runners. A few simple changes to your routine can help you avoid this recurring problem. Below are three tips to help you avoid this unpleasant feeling. First, you must know your baseline fitness level.

Newbies and people who are suddenly increasing their workout intensity may experience this sensation more often. The first couple of times you experience this is nothing to be concerned about; after a few weeks of exercise, you should expect to taste blood less frequently.

The taste of blood in your mouth results from a small amount of blood in your mouth. The sacks in your lungs open up when the blood pressure is high, oxygenating the blood and releasing it as you exhale. Therefore, it is entirely normal to experience this odd sensation. But it’s best to seek medical attention if it continues or gets worse. And don’t wait any longer: a little knowledge can go a long way.

Why do I taste blood when I run?

Iron molecules are bound to hemoglobin molecules. With intense exercise, some of the excess hemoglobin released from the leaky red blood cells in the lungs is transported through the bronchi to the mouth. Once in our mouths, the iron molecules contact receptors on the tongue that are sensitive to iron. These receptors then relay the message to the brain that we sense as a metallic taste in our mouths, which can be perceived as blood or metal.

How to avoid blood taste when you run?

If you are experiencing a metallic taste in your mouth when running, you can do a few things to help remedy the situation. Here are a few tips:

  • Drink plenty of water before and during your run to stay hydrated
  • Avoid eating foods that are high in iron before your run, such as red meat
  • Make sure you are breathing through your nose and not your mouth to avoid breathing in the blood cells
  • Suck on a piece of hard candy or chew gum to help get rid of the metallic taste

By following these tips, you can help reduce or eliminate the metallic taste in your mouth when running. Remember to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated throughout your run, and you should be good to go!

Why Do I Taste Blood When I Run?