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What Does Pomelo Taste Like?

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Updated on November 11th, 2022

Pomelo is a tropical fruit that tastes like a combination of sweet and sour. While it does have a bitter aftertaste, it does not have the same acidity as grapefruit. It has a soft, tart flavor and is often used to enhance recipes that include citrus. The flesh of pomelo can be light and pink. It can be found in Asian markets and is suitable for many dishes.

Pomelo, Fruit, Tree, Citrus Maxima, Citrus Grandis

The fruit is grown throughout Southeast Asia and the Middle East and is similar in flavor to grapefruit. The yellow flesh has a delightful taste, is very sweet, and does not have bitterness. Its segments are similar to grapefruit’s, but it does not have the harsh, bitter white pith. It is often used in salads or sorbets. Although the fruit can be eaten raw or cooked, it is best to eat it within a day or two of purchase.

What is Pomelo?

The first thing you should know about pomelo is that it is a fruit that can be sweet or sour, depending on the variety. It is a yellow-orange fruit with a sweet or sour flavor. When you’re eating a grapefruit, it is best eaten unripe. You can also eat it raw, and you should try it as a whole. Pomelo is a large citrus fruit with a tear-drop shape, and it can grow to be the size of a cantaloupe or even more significant.

It is still widely used in Malaysian, Chinese, Cambodian, Thai, Vietnamese, Filipino, and Tahitian cuisines. Its appearance is most similar to grapefruit, and it can be successfully hybridized with other citrus fruits.

What Does Pomelo Taste Like?

While the pomelo resembles a grapefruit, it is preferred for its taste because it lacks the bitter or sour flavor associated with grapefruit. The flavor is described as being much milder than other citrus fruits.

The great thing about pomelos is that you can easily combine them with various ingredients to bring out different aspects of the fruit’s flavor. The flavor of a pomelo is similar to that of grapefruit, and the flesh is pleasantly sweet and does not contain the bitterness of a grapefruit.

What Is the Taste of Honey Pomelo?

Pomelo comes in various flavors, but the Honey variety (identified by its light yellow hue) is the most flavorful. Honey pomelo is fully ripe fruit with slightly lower acidity than other varieties. The name comes from the natural sweetness of this variety, which leaves you wanting more after just one bite.

The flavor is sweet with hints of sourness and tanginess, similar to honeydew melon, which appeals to most people who try this new variety for the first time. Grapefruit’s flavor isn’t quite as bitter or sour as this one. They’re less juicy and smoother than grapefruit, but they still have a tangy flavor.

Is Pomelo Sour or Sweet?

This yellow-orange fruit resembles an orange or an apple, and its sweet and sour flavor profiles vary depending on how ripe the pomelo is at the time of consumption.

For example, if your pomelos are unripe, they will have a more tart flavor due to the lower sugar content.

As these fruits ripen, their sweetness increases, and by the time they’re fully mature, they’re excessively sugary, with almost no acidity left.

Are there any Varieties of Pomelo?

Pomelo comes in four different varieties, and here’s how their flavors differ.


This variety is much smaller than the others and looks very similar to a grapefruit. It has yellow flesh that is exceptionally sweet, and the flavor is simply incredible.

Tahitian pomelo

It is, without a doubt, the best pomelo variety available.

It has a beautiful texture and a sweet taste. The only disadvantage is that it could contain a large number of seeds.


Chandler is a popular, slightly acidic variety.

Its flesh is usually pink in color and is pleasantly sweet. It has a lot of seeds, just like Tahitian.


It gets its name from the heart shape of the fruit, and it ripens around Valentine’s Day.

It has a pleasant flavor and pink flesh. Valentine has always been a great salad ingredient.

Grapefruit vs. Pomelo; What is the Difference?

The size difference between pomelos and grapefruits is the most obvious, but that difference vanishes once you peel the pomelo. The rind of a pomelo is much thicker than that of a grapefruit, measuring up to an inch thick or more. The size difference is mainly gone once the peel is removed, and the pomelo is about the same size as a grapefruit. The flesh of the pomelo, like that of a grapefruit, can be yellow or pink. However, the flavor difference remains. Pomelos, like grapefruits, can be cooked, but they can also be eaten raw without needing to be sweetened with honey or sugar.

When selecting a pomelo, follow the same guidelines as when selecting a grapefruit: look for fruit that is firm rather than soft and shiny rather than dull. When pomelos are in season, try an Asian foods market if you can’t find them at your supermarket (November through March).

How to Peel the Pomelo?

  • Cut off the top portion with a pomelo with a paring knife to peel a pomelo. Once the fruit is open, pull apart the skin in segments. Each segment will be separated from the other by the membrane. The segments are edible, but the skin should be discarded.
  • It’s now time to cut into the sides. Cut 6-8 12″ vertical cuts into the fruit with your knife. Pull the sections of skin away from the fruit with your fingers now. It should resemble the open petals of a flower.
  • Remove the rind from the fruit and throw it away. The skin can also be candied or used to make a marmalade. You’ll now have a much smaller piece of fruit on your hands.
  • Pull the sections apart with your fingers. After the pieces have been separated, cut the white membrane surrounding them with a knife.
  • The white pith between the segments is bitter and harsh, and it is not recommended for consumption. However, it is edible. The rind of pomelo can be made into candy, and its skin is also edible.

How do you know if Pomelo is Bad?

Pomelos have the advantage of not going bad very quickly. In fact, I don’t recall ever being in a procession that went bad on me. I’ve left some on the counter for weeks, and they’re still okay, though refrigeration will extend the time.

You may be able to cut off a soft spot and save the fruit if there is one. If the fruit feels light for its size, it has lost moisture and is unlikely to be edible. The fruit may become moldy on the outside, and you’ll have to use your best judgment to determine whether any of it is still edible.

If an orange becomes moldy, I usually discard the whole fruit, but with a larger fruit such as a Pomelo, you may be able to cut away the bad parts. Do what you’re most at ease with.

Does Pomelo Cause any Allergy?

Citrus allergies are uncommon, but they exist; reactions to various citrus fruits’ flesh, juice, and even skin can occur. It’s more likely that you’ll be allergic to another citrus fruit if you’re allergic to one. Cross-reactions between citrus fruits and pollen allergies are possible, such as grasses, birch, and mugwort. 10

Consult your doctor if you develop allergy symptoms (such as swelling or itching around the mouth) after eating pomelo or other citrus fruits. Pomelo should be avoided if you have already been diagnosed with a citrus allergy.

Some Facts about Pomelo?

  • Pummelo, Pamplemousse, pummelo, Citrus maxima, Citrus grandis, or shaddock are all names for the pomelo.
  • Pomelo trees can live up to 150 years and reach 25 feet (7.6 meters).
  • The pomelo has been instrumental in the creation of new fruit varieties. According to botanists, grapefruits are thought to have been created by crossing them with orange.
  • The pomelo is the largest citrus fruit with a diameter of 5.9-9.9″. The world’s heaviest pomelo weighed nearly 11 pounds!

Pomelo, Fruit, Lemon, Tropical, Pummelo, OrangeWhat are the Culinary uses of Pomelo?

The pomelo is a citrus fruit, the peel is not edible, and it is yellow and has a sour-to-sweet flavor. It can be eaten raw or cooked and is used extensively in Asian cuisine and dessert soups. The fruit’s rind is not edible, but the juice is quite sweet.

The flesh of a pomelo is soft and juicy, and the fruit can be sliced into segments. It is best eaten fresh or frozen, and it is a great way to prepare fresh fruit for the summer season. When the fruit is ripe, it will be yellow and easy to peel. If you’re looking for juicy fruit, try a slice!


The rind of a pomelo is not bitter, so you don’t have to worry about consuming the whole fruit. You can simply cut it in half, avoiding the stem. The flesh is not bitter at all. Its skin is made of the white pith, a layer of pulp between the rind. In fact, the rind of a pomelo is thicker than that of a grapefruit.

The flesh of pomelos is usually green or yellow but can be white or even pink. A pomelo can be eaten raw, but you should keep it refrigerated. Its flesh is lovely and very juicy, and it can be used in various recipes. When it’s ripe, it can be eaten raw or chopped. If you’re a vegetarian, pomelo is an excellent alternative to citrus fruits.