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Substitute for Molasses in Cookies

Have you ever wondered why gingerbread cookies have such a distinct flavor and texture? Yes, molasses! Molasses is that ingredient.

This sweet and sticky syrup is a major contribution when baking some cookies. Notably, molasses is commonly used in sweet recipes. Still, it’s also used in savory dishes like baked beans and barbecue sauce.

Certainly, molasses is a unique ingredient with a particular flavor, so what happens when you run out of stock? For example, you should pay attention to some molasses substitutes in cookies enlisted in this article. They should do the trick.

What is Molasses in Cookies

Molasses Cookies are exceptionally soft and chewy, bursting with a rich, deep molasses taste complemented by toasty spices. They’re delectably sweet and buttery and – oh well – regrettably addictive.

Let me point out that molasses are produced by-products of the sugar production process. Notably, there can be produced in various forms.

One form is known as light molasses – the residue when the liquid from sugarcane is extracted first, boiled down, then the sugar crystals are removed.

The other form is dark molasses – the byproduct is cooked further, which becomes darker, thicker, and slightly less sweet.

Moreover, another molasses can be created after the third boiling, resulting in blackstrap molasses which is thick, black, and bitter.

Furthermore, there are the sulfured molasses – manufactured from immature sugarcane that has been preserved with sulfur dioxide. It is usually slightly less sweet than regular molasses. Regular molasses, however, is prepared from mature sugarcane and is more commonly seen in grocery stores.

Molasses Nutrition Facts


Molasses in Cookies Uses in Recipes

Molasses, a highly thick substance – a syrup texture – made from sugarcane, is typically used as a sweetener in cooking or baking. So let’s look at how you can use it to make cookies. Here is a collection of some molasses-based cookie recipes to try.

  • Crisp Molasses Cookies
  • Caramel Molasses Cookies
  • Chewy Ginger Molasses Cookies
  • Soft White Chocolate Chip Molasses Cookies
  • Ginger Pistachio Cookies
  • Old-fashioned Molasses Cookies
  • Chewy Molasses Cookies
  • Giant Molasses Cookies
  • Soft Molasses Cookies
  • Soft Ginger Molasses Cookies
  • Bourbon Molasses Cookies
  • Blackstrap Molasses Cookies
  • Vegan Molasses Cookies
  • Gluten-Free Ginger Molasses Cookies
  • Molasses Crinkle Cookies

Molasses in Cookies Substitutes

Now I believe you know much more about molasses, enough to enjoy them in cookies. The texture and chewy taste are the molasses’ stand-out quality in cookies. Nonetheless, there are still some exciting options that you can consider a molasses substitute in cookies from.


Honey is an excellent substitute for molasses in cookies because it has a similar texture and consistency to molasses. While not having the same caramel flavor as molasses, Honey will still suffice as its substitute in cookies.

Honey is sweeter than molasses, especially if refined to a great degree. However, highly refined molasses add a stronger flavor to taste in cookies that approach bitterness.

Since molasses are bitter and Honey are sweet, the taste might be slightly altered. Notably, 1 cup of Honey can be substituted for 1 cup of molasses in cookies.

In addition, when using Honey instead of molasses in cookies, I recommend you adjust your recipe by adding extra spices to compensate for the syrup’s sweetness. This will also replace the powerful flavor character that molasses would have provided.

Brown Sugar

Brown sugar is made of molasses and granulated sugar, just those two combined.

Therefore, since brown sugar already contains molasses. As a molasses substitute in cookies, it will produce the most accurate results compared to the real thing.

You can replace 1 cup of molasses in your recipe with 3/4 cup of tightly packed brown sugar. Furthermore, you should know that the “molasses to sugar” ratio in dark brown sugar is higher than in light brown sugar.

Notably, you can adjust the measurement in your cookies recipe to fit your taste.

Granulated Sugar

If you’re in a hurry to make some cookies and you don’t have any molasses at hand, you don’t need to fret if all you have is some granulated sugar.

To substitute molasses in cookies, you can make a syrup by mixing 3/4 cup white granulated sugar with 1/4 cup hot water.

Well, you won’t get the deep brown hue of molasses, but the outcome will be similar. However, you won’t get much flavor, so you may consider increasing the other spices instead.

Plus, if you have any cream of tartar on hand, it’ll make it nicer. For example, you can add about 1¼ teaspoons to the sugar-water mixture. This can help balance your dish and compensate for the sugar-water mixture’s thin consistency by adding additional volume.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)                                           

What does molasses do in cookies?

Since molasses are liquid, they make baked products moister and chewier. Keep this in mind while making baked goods that need to be dry or crunchy.

Why do you put molasses in cookies?

There are a couple of interesting reasons you should utilize molasses in cookies. Notablybrown sugar gets its color and wet, thick viscosity from molasses. Molasses adds moisture to baked products and makes them moist. It’s used in desserts such as pecan pie and gingerbread.

What kind of molasses do you use for cookies?

Light molasses will be considered the ideal molasses for baking. Notably, this variety of molasses is the sweetest and least refined, with a mild but sweet flavor. However, some recipes may call for stronger, less sweet flavors, necessitating darker molasses.


Molasses is commonly used in sweet recipes – though, in this article, we mostly highlighted how it is used in cookies.

You must have noted molasses is a unique ingredient with a particular flavor that is well enjoyed in cookies.

However, if you don’t have any molasses on hand to utilize in your cookies recipes, or you want a sugar-free addition, or prefer to try something else in your cookies, don’t worry – you have options. You can try one of the mentioned molasses alternatives.