Updated on December 22nd, 2023
You have probably been disappointed by a piece of chicken you have had in the past. Although it looks and smells normal, consuming it is not your best interest. If you have any reason to believe that your chicken has gone badly, you must discard it immediately. Continue reading to find out how to recognize the signs of a sick chicken. A mushy or slimy texture is one of the most prevalent symptoms that the meat has gone bad. This odor suggests that the meat has been washed, stale and likely full of germs.

Examining the chicken’s external look is a useful approach to determine whether or not it is of acceptable quality. When cooked, it will not become white but instead will have a grayish appearance. In addition to that, it will have an unpleasant odor. Because this is a sign of degeneration, Should not consume the food any longer. A chicken that has gone bad will have an intense and unpleasant stench to be around. The stench will become much stronger if the meat is kept in a cold environment, such as a refrigerator or freezer.
What does Bad Chicken Taste Like?
The most evident indicator is bad chicken with a sour flavor, and ammonia is also present in spoiled chicken. To be more exact, chicken has a sour flavor that is quite simple to detect so that you can tell the difference between a terrible chicken piece and a good chicken piece right away. The spoiled chicken smells foul and is inedible, much like other spoiled foods.
Chicken slimy, black spots on chicken flesh, white spots on chicken breast, chicken smells like sulfur, or chicken smells like fish are some of the additional indicators of rotten chicken breast. Aside from flavor, color and texture are two more factors to consider when determining whether or not your chicken is edible. If you see purple chicken flesh, mold on chicken, or abnormally slimy chicken, it’s an indication that you should verify the quality of the chicken before cooking it.
When you go to a fast-food restaurant and get deep-fried chicken, on the other hand, you can only tell whether the chicken is poor after you’ve eaten it. In such an instance, consuming a piece of poor chicken will not harm you, but you must discover the spoilage as soon as possible to avoid eating more.
When you cook the chicken yourself, you can tell whether it’s gone bad by its appearance and scent alone, without tasting it. You may prevent the danger of eating poor chicken for you and your family once you effectively notice that the meat has gone bad.
What Happens if You Eat Spoiled Chicken?
If you don’t know how to tell when chicken is rotten, you can end yourself eating ruined chicken. As we previously said, one piece of rotten chicken will not send you to the hospital immediately.
However, if you eat too much rotten chicken without realizing it, you’ll get food poisoning. In particular, raw chicken and poor chicken breast contain germs detrimental to human health, such as Campylobacter, Salmonella, and others. Once these germs have entered your body, they may produce severe food poisoning symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and a strong headache.
Depending on how much rotten chicken you stomach, the symptoms might appear several hours after you stop eating and linger for two days. Even well-known chefs advise against cooking and eating poor chicken under any circumstances to avoid life-threatening food illnesses.
As a result, it’s ideal for making sure the chicken you consume is properly cooked. For a more extensive explanation, see this page on detecting whether the chicken is done.
How to Store Chicken to Prevent Spoilage?
The best way to preserve chicken to keep it from spoiling depends on the kind of meat you’re working with. The best way to store raw chicken that hasn’t been cooked yet is in the freezer, and it’s a fantastic technique to keep meat fresh for a long time.
If you aren’t using the chicken for another 4-5 days, put it in the refrigerator to maintain quality. It’s acceptable to keep it in the fridge, but you must use it within 1-2 days since the moisture in the fridge, along with the odors of other foods, will quickly degrade the flavor of your chicken. As a result, when you take the raw meat out to cook, don’t let it remain at room temperature for more than an hour.
The ambient temperature might provide an ideal setting for food germs to infiltrate and ruin your chicken. Furthermore, if you want to save leftovers from the kitchen, wrap them carefully before putting them in the fridge.
Whether you should keep the chicken in the freezer or the fridge depends on how long you want to use it. Both methods are excellent for storing chicken since they assist in sealing in moisture and keep leftover chicken fresh and flavorful until you’re ready to cook it again.
If you want to cook the chicken within the following several days, store it properly in the refrigerator or freezer. Also, if you wish to keep leftover fried chicken, familiarize yourself with how to store fried chicken.
Can Chicken Taste Sour?
Chicken may have a sour flavor, and it should only do so if you use sour elements in your chicken, such as vinegar, lemon, lime, or other acidic seasonings. If you didn’t add such an ingredient and your chicken tastes sour, it’s ruined and unfit to eat.
Why does Chicken Taste Sour?
If a chicken is spoilt, it tastes sour. When a chicken spoils, bacteria grow in it, resulting in a sour flavor and a foul, sour odor. As a result, double-check if you’ve added anything sour to your chicken. If not, it’s a good rule of thumb to toss the meal since it might be dangerous if eaten.
In summary, sour chicken is rotten or likely to spoil, and you shouldn’t consume much of it. You shouldn’t eat this sort of chicken unless you add something to make it taste sour.
How Long After Eating Spoiled Chicken Will I Get Sick?
After consuming contaminated food, it may take as little as four hours or as long as twenty-four hours for symptoms of food poisoning to appear. People who become sick after eating the same contaminated food simultaneously, such as at a picnic or barbeque, tend to fall sick at around the same time.
Yes, rotten chicken has a sour flavor to it. When a chicken spoils, bacteria develop within it, giving it a foul odor and flavor. As a result, if your chicken has a sour flavor, you should avoid eating it.
Is Sour Chicken Unhealthy?
Yes, sour chicken is unpleasant. If the chicken feels sour without adding any sour ingredients, it’s ruined and unfit to eat. Another thing to keep in mind is that if the chicken develops a sour odor in addition to a sour flavor, you should throw it out since it may cause a variety of health problems if eaten.
A fresh chicken that is safe to eat should not taste sour, and it would help if you did not consume such unless you added a sour component to the meal designed to taste sour.

Is it Safe to Consume Sour-Tasting Chicken?
No, eating sour chicken is not a good idea. When a chicken tastes sour, it’s because it’s been ruined and isn’t fit to eat. As a result, you should avoid eating sour chicken as a general rule. If your chicken has this flavor, throw it out to prevent any future difficulties that may arise from eating it.
What Happens if You Consume Sour-Tasting Chicken?
If you eat sour chicken, you may have digestive issues such as vomiting, diarrhea, or an upset stomach, which may be harmful to your health. Although proper chicken cooking may destroy microorganisms that cause illness, eating sour chicken is always a danger you should avoid.
If you want to eat chicken, look for fresh chicken and avoid any chicken that tastes sour, even if it doesn’t have any sour additives on it. You won’t have to be concerned about the sour taste, and you’ll know that eating such is safe.
Does Chicken Spoil in the Fridge?
Raw chicken, regardless of whether it is whole, in pieces such as breasts, thighs, drumsticks, wings, or ground, should not be kept in the refrigerator for more than one to two days, as recommended by the United States Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration of the United States.
You may perceive the color of the chicken in addition to the fragrance. A sour or fishy odor indicates poor chicken. It is not yet done if the meat is pale pink or white. A rotting chicken has a thin, slimy covering and a strong rotten-egg odor. If the skin is sour, you should dispose of it. Mould may be seen on a sour or fishy chicken. The chicken has gone rotten if it smells foul or sulfurous.
It will most likely spoil the chicken if it is gray. You should toss it away if it has mold or discoloration. It’ll also stink. You can tell whether something is rotten or fresh by using your senses. The chicken has probably gone bad if you can’t see the skin. It would help if you strived to get rid of the mold and rotten chicken as soon as feasible.