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50 Grams of Carbs a Day Meal Plan

Are you looking for a low-carb keto diet but don’t know where to start? Do you need to lose weight but are worried that the diet ideas you know offer too many calories? Then, this meal plan is made just for you! This diet offers amazing recipes and features foods that excel in all aspects of keto needs.



The 50-grams-of-carbs-a-day meal plan is an interesting ketogenic diet technique, meaning it consists of lots of everything but high-sugar foods. Carbohydrates are essential to our body’s needs, but most times, we take an excess of it and from processed and sugary foods. But this diet plan swaps all these with fruits and non-starchy vegetables and goes further with healthy proteins like fish, meat, dairy, and eggs. And this plan is prepared to offer you 50 grams of calories daily for one week at a three-meal-a-day program with no snack in-between.

Benefits of this Diet

Because most of our calories come from highly starchy foods, our body gets exhausted from burning them. And we’re also exposed to processed and sugary foods, which contribute a staggering amount of carbs to our system. Unfortunately, these foods hardly get fully used in the body, and our system saves the excess calories, causing weight gain and many other issues.

This 50-gram-daily ketogenic plan helps rectify that problem by switching the body’s energy source from high-sugar foods to everything else. It features some of the healthiest collections of foods the body needs, plus gives the required calories at a low rate. This low-carb meal plan offers enough calories to promote weight loss, which is why many experts recommend it for people treating obesity. And it programs the body to return to its natural state of eating healthy by eliminating unpleasant foods.

If you’re a paleo dieter, you can adjust this 50g daily meal plan to suit your needs. And you can also practice healthy dieting since your calorie source will be healthy whole foods. Those on a vegan diet can swap the animal proteins with plant-based options, so long as the daily intake remains no more than 50 grams. The extremely low-carb nature of this meal plan also makes it ideal for people with diabetes. And if you prefer the Mediterranean diet, then adjust the plan as you see fit.

The 50g daily diet plan can also be adjusted to a higher calorie, but we recommend you stick with it as it comes. The goal is to eat as little as possible while the body adjusts depending on everything but carbohydrates. But the plan is also low in fiber, so you’ll need a supplement of the nutrient when you proceed. Finally, it’s highly advised that you seek professional counsel from a medical expert before starting this program. Your dietician will offer the best suggestions and tell you if your state of health is qualified to embark on such a diet.

Meal Plan

50 Grams of Carbs a Day Meal Plan(1)

Day 1


  • Omelet with butter-fried vegetables




Day 2





  • Salmon with vegetables and butter

Day 3


  • Butter-fried eggs and veggies




Day 4


  • Coconut-oil-fried omelet with vegetables


  • Coconut milk smoothie with almonds, protein powder, and berries



Day 5


  • Bacon and eggs




Day 6


  • Omelet with vegetables




Day 7


  • Bacon and eggs


  • Coconut milk smoothie, with a dash of choco-flavored protein powder, heavy cream, and berries



Extra Tips

  • All foods are allowed in this meal plan, so long as they aren’t carbohydrate-based.
  • It’s also essential to ensure the selected foods aren’t processed, regardless of whether it’s fruits, nuts, vegetables, or dairy.
  • You’ll need to watch how much fat you eat during this plan, so start by picking only lean animal foods. This includes lean beef, poultry, reduced-fat yogurt, low-fat milk, lamb, fish, and seafood.
  • Lentils and legumes can also be included in this meal plan if you’re fond of them, but watch how much of it you eat, as they contain a significant amount of carbs.
  • Dry wines are also permitted during this diet plan, containing zero sugar or carbs.
  • You can also drink other beverages like tea or coffee if you’re not into alcohol; ensure to do it without adding sugar. But if you’re worried they will influence your carb count, stick to water.
  • All carbonated drinks are prohibited from this meal plan.
  • The 50-carbs-daily meal plan excels best with vegetables, as they’re renowned for having little carbs. So, include more of them in the plan if you can, and when substituting foods, use them more as replacements.
  • Giving yourself treats during this meal plan is normal, but stick to whole foods. Fruit juices, ice cream, candy, agave, and other similar foods contain too much sugar and upset the established 50g carb balance.
  • You may need to reward yourself with snacks during this meal plan, so with healthy food options as treats. Pick from diced fruits to boiled eggs, nuts, baby carrots, cheeses, meat pieces, and full-fat yogurt. You can also munch on leftovers from the previous day or night. But ensure not to exceed the daily carb count, and adjust the snack into the meal plan to focus on the goal.

Shopping List

Meat and Fish


  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Pears
  • blackberries

Vegetables and Legumes

Milk and Dairy

Seeds, Nuts, and Nut Products


  • Olive oil
  • Protein powder (regular and chocolate-flavored)
  • Eggs


The 50g-of-carbs-daily meal plan answers the question of obesity, and it’s also a great way to teach healthy eating habits without completely losing out. The plan offers exciting recipes and food combos that make healthy living fun. And it does so while eliminating the notorious carb-spiking sugary foods to which you’ve gotten used. So, pick this program for your next ketogenic journey, and employ it for your healthy living and weight-loss needs.